Faster, cheaper, and capable of storing more dataFaster, cheaper, and capable of storing more data
The history of computing hardware is the record of the ongoing effort to make computer hardware faster, cheaper, and capable of storing more data
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United Nations ece/trans/WP. 29/Grsp/2011/4United Nations ece/trans/WP. 29/Grsp/2011/4
United States of America to describe the process of aligning the text of the gtr with the latest changes introduced during the rulemaking procedure to transpose the global technical regulation (gtr) No. 1 into the final rule of her country
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Magic realismMagic realism
The Kingdom of this World (1949). Carpentier's conception was of a kind of heightened reality in which elements of the miraculous could appear without seeming forced and unnatural
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Please Note: This list of terms has been created from various sources used by safes. It is not an exhaustive list, and terminology used in any particular program may differ from this, and may be determined by local practice
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Ece/trans/180/Add. 1/Amend. 1/Appendix 1 29 August 2012Ece/trans/180/Add. 1/Amend. 1/Appendix 1 29 August 2012
Created on 18 November 2004, pursuant to Article 6 of the Agreement concerning the establishing of global technical regulations for wheeled vehicles
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This is all included in critical planning1 Arizona talk2This is all included in critical planning1 Arizona talk2
World War II period accentuates these problems. We made without much fear of contradiction speak of the city of today as an Unjust City. In such a city the vision of a Just City is a compelling one
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Economic commission for europe inland transport committeeEconomic commission for europe inland transport committee
United States of America, as amended (ece/trans/WP. 29/1062, para. 83). The document is transmitted to ac. 3 in order to be appended to the amendment to the gtr once adopted
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